Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Superfood backyard recipe!

I've totally been slacking lately… these last few weeks have been crazy and wonderful and I need to get my act together.  But seriously, I've been kind of busy.

When I was thinking of how to continue my Superfood series, I had so many choices that I didn't know which to pick next.  Do I talk about how awesome nuts are?  How about raw local honey?  Ooh, or greek yogurt!  Hmm.  I couldn't decide.  The truth is, even though I love these foods dearly and frequently combine them with berries as a meal, I had to do something more interesting.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Superfood #3: Get outta here, pink goo!

So you’re an expert on super fruits and veggies now, huh?  Have you made any changes in the last couple of days?  Maybe you’ve had a green smoothie or did a little extra research on your own.  Or maybe you’re planning on stocking up on some organic produce when you hit the grocery store this weekend.  Go you!  Give yourself a pat on the back.  

Today I want you to bring out your inner caveman, stoke a fire, and beat your hairy chest.  We’re all about Superfood #3: MEAT. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Superfood #2: Sweet little gems

In my last post, we learned about the powerful health benefits that await you in Cruciferous vegetables.  Today, I want to balance the savory with the sweet.  Is it possible that something sweet can be Super?

Why, yes!  Sweet, tangy, juicy… we're talking berries!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Superfood #1. Weird name, serious power.

So I spent quite some time over the weekend mulling over my seemingly infinite amount of choices for the first Superfood post to share with you.  There's so much great stuff out there, and we'll get to them, but I decided to start out with the big mamma-jamma.  It's not a specific food -- rather, it's a group.

Meet … Cruciferous Vegetables!

Friday, May 11, 2012


Sometimes I feel like the Crazy Cat Lady of food.  You know, the proud “parent” of 8 or 9 who can’t resist taking photos of her furry little family every chance she gets.  Granted, I’m halfway to Crazy Dog Lady in this sense, but I only have one and you would be a Crazy Dog person too if you had such an impossibly adorable forever-puppy at home.

Anyway, I’m here to talk about food. I’ll keep my focus for the most part, sometimes. I’m that girl who, when she makes a dish she’s proud of, snaps a few amateur pictures of said dish and uploads the best one to Facebook, like, rightnow. Scan the room to find my husband, who completely supports my fascination with deliciousness.  He’ll be the one advising me to eat before my food gets cold with a very “I love you but you’re really weird and please don’t start doing this in public”-ness. The food I create is like my little yummy family that I, ahem, eat (it’s a bad analogy).  I take pictures because I don’t ever write my recipes down. Ever. This leads to some mild cursing, of course.

But you should see my photo library on my phone.  It goes something like food, dog, dog, dog sleeping, dog cuddling with hubby while hubby wasn’t looking, food, food, dog, food, and that console table that I saw at Pier 1 that would be so perfect in the entryway – SQUEE!  

My goals for starting this blog are to document my food journeys, share my nutrition wisdom, and be moderately entertaining. Oh, did I mention that I’m a nutrition consultant? I’m that, too. Crazy Food –slash- Nutrition Lady. I have a Nutrition Consulting business located in Northern Virginia where I live with Hubby and Dog.  I’ll be taking information about nutrition and healthy living and putting it into interesting, palatable terms for you to use in your own life!

I will do my best to write down recipes, take not-bad photos, and tell you why I made what I made with the ingredients that I used.  And we'll have cheat days, because I'm a baker at heart and sometimes you just want a cupcake. 

I'll be starting with a series on superfoods, and we'll go from there. Enjoy!